ClassesBigCommerceWebhooksProductProduct Updater


Class Product_Updater

Handles the process of updating products in BigCommerce through webhooks.

This class is responsible for managing the re-import and update of product data when triggered by a webhook. It interacts with the BigCommerce Catalog and Channels APIs to retrieve and update product details while ensuring that listing updates or deletions are temporarily disabled during the process. Additionally, it ensures that updates are applied to all active channels for a product.

  • Full name: \BigCommerce\Webhooks\Product\Product_Updater



Product_Updater constructor.

public __construct(\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\CatalogApi $catalog, \BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\ChannelsApi $channels): mixed

Initializes the Product_Updater class with the necessary dependencies to interact with BigCommerce Catalog and Channels APIs.


$catalog\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\CatalogApiThe Catalog API instance for interacting with product data.
$channels\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\ChannelsApiThe Channels API instance for managing channel-related operations.


Re-import a previously imported product.

public update(int $product_id): void

This method handles updating a product based on the given BigCommerce product ID. It ensures all active channels are updated and skips the update if no channels are active. Applies temporary filters to prevent unintended listing updates or deletions during the process.


$product_idintBigCommerce product ID to update.


If the API request for product data fails.

Automatically generated on 2025-01-21