ClassesBigCommerceCartCart Recovery


The Cart_Recovery class is responsible for handling the recovery of abandoned carts.

It interacts with BigCommerce’s API to retrieve and recover abandoned carts based on a unique token provided in the request. It also manages the redirection process and the setting of cookies for recovered carts, ensuring that the user is taken to the correct cart page and that the abandoned cart is appropriately handled.

  • Full name: \BigCommerce\Cart\Cart_Recovery





Cart_Recovery constructor.

public __construct(\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\AbandonedCartApi $api, \BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\CartApi $cart): mixed

Initializes the Cart_Recovery class with the given AbandonedCartApi and CartApi instances.


$api\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\AbandonedCartApiAn instance of the AbandonedCartApi to interact with the BigCommerce API for cart recovery.
$cart\BigCommerce\Api\v3\Api\CartApiAn instance of the CartApi to interact with the BigCommerce API for cart-related actions.


Handles the incoming request to recover an abandoned cart.

public handle_request(): string

This function retrieves the token from the query parameters, validates it, and then attempts to recover the abandoned cart using the BigCommerce API. If the cart is recovered successfully, it sets a cookie with the abandoned cart’s ID and redirects the user to the cart page. If there is an error, it handles the error and redirects to the appropriate page.

Return Value:

The URL of the cart page, either with the recovered cart or as a fallback.

Automatically generated on 2025-01-21