ClassesBigCommerceGraphQLProduct Query


Handle product query data and fragments.

This class provides methods to fetch paginated product data, individual product details, and various product-related information through fragments and query construction.

  • Full name: \BigCommerce\GraphQL\Product_Query



Get paginated products query.

public get_paginated_products_query(): string

This method constructs a GraphQL query to retrieve a paginated list of products.

Return Value:

The GraphQL query string for paginated products.


Get full paginated product request query with locale.

public get_product_paginated_request_full(): string

This method constructs a GraphQL query to retrieve a paginated list of products, including locale information.

Return Value:

The full GraphQL query string for paginated products with locale.


Get product query for a specific product by path.

public get_product_query(): string

This method constructs a GraphQL query to retrieve a single product based on its path.

Return Value:

The GraphQL query string for fetching a specific product by path.


Get the product fragment used in queries.

public get_product_fragment(): string

This method provides a fragment that defines the structure of a product object in GraphQL queries.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for product details.


Return product info query fragment.

public get_product_info_fragment(): string

This method returns the GraphQL fragment that includes product information like name, SKU, and pricing.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for product info.


Get product prices fragment.

public get_product_prices_fragment(): string

This method returns a fragment that defines the pricing structure for products in GraphQL queries.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for product prices.


Get multiple choice options fragment.

public get_multiple_choice_options_fragment(): string

This method returns a fragment defining multiple choice options available for the product in GraphQL queries.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for multiple choice options.


Get swatch options fragment.

public get_swatch_options_fragment(): string

This method returns a fragment that defines the swatch options available for the product.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for swatch options.


Get product picklist fragment.

public get_product_picklist_fragment(): string

This method returns a fragment that defines the product picklist options available for the product.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for product picklist options.


Get checkbox option fragment.

public get_checkbox_option_fragment(): string

This method returns a fragment that defines the checkbox options available for the product.

Return Value:

The GraphQL fragment for checkbox options.

Automatically generated on 2025-01-21