ClassesBigCommerceCompatibilityTemplate Compatibility


Provides compatibility functionality to override WooCommerce page templates.

This class handles the removal of WooCommerce-specific templates from the page template hierarchy.

  • Full name: \BigCommerce\Compatibility\Template_Compatibility



Overrides the page template for WooCommerce pages that assume WooCommerce functions will be available.

public override_page_template(string $template, string $type, array $templates): string

If a theme has a page template (e.g., page-cart.php) that relies on WooCommerce functions, this method will remove that template from the hierarchy to prevent errors if WooCommerce is not present.


$templatestringThe current template being used for the page.
$typestringThe type of template being overridden.
$templatesarrayList of available templates in the hierarchy.

Return Value:

The modified template, or the original template if no changes were made.

Automatically generated on 2025-01-21