ClassesBigCommerceAccountsCustomer Group


Class Customer_Group

Represents a customer group in BigCommerce and provides methods to retrieve group information.

  • Full name: \BigCommerce\Accounts\Customer_Group



Customer_Group constructor.

public __construct(int $group_id): mixed

Initializes the customer group with the specified group ID.


$group_idintThe ID of the customer group.


Get information about the customer group.

public get_info(): array

Retrieves information about the customer group, including:

  • id (int) The group ID
  • name (string) The group name
  • is_default (bool) Whether the group is the default for new customers
  • discount_rules (array) Discount rules applied to the group

The returned data can be filtered using the bigcommerce/customer/group_info filter.

Return Value:

The customer group information.

Automatically generated on 2025-01-21