BigCommerce for Wordpress Reference
Class | Description |
Provider | This abstract class implements the ServiceProviderInterface from Pimple. It provides functionality for managingcallback registrations and offers a mechanism to access callbacks dynamically through the __get magic method. |
Function | Description |
is_account_page | Checks if the current page is the account page. |
is_cart | Checks if the current page is the cart page. |
is_checkout | Checks if the current page is the checkout page. |
is_product | Checks if the current page is a product page. |
is_product_category | Checks if the current page is a product category page. |
is_product_tag | Checks if the current page is a product tag page. |
is_product_taxonomy | Checks if the current page is a product taxonomy page. |
is_shop | Checks if the current page is the shop page. |
is_woocommerce_activated | |
wc | Retrieves the WooCommerce facade instance from the container. |
wc_get_cart_url | Retrieves the URL of the cart page. |
wc_get_checkout_url | Retrieves the URL of the checkout page. |
wc_get_image_size | Retrieves the WooCommerce image size. |
wc_get_page_id | Retrieves the ID of a WooCommerce page. |
wc_get_template | Retrieves and renders a WooCommerce template. |
wc_get_template_html | Retrieves the HTML content for a WooCommerce template. |
wc_get_template_part | Retrieves a template part for WooCommerce. |
wc_locate_template | Locates a WooCommerce template. |
wc_print_notices | Prints WooCommerce notices. |
woocommerce_mini_cart | Displays the mini cart for WooCommerce. |
woocommerce_reset_loop | Resets the WooCommerce loop. |
wp_remove_targeted_link_rel_filters | Removes the filters added by wp_init_targeted_link_rel_filters() |
wp_unschedule_hook | Unschedules all events attached to the hook. |
Class | Description |
Api_Factory | |
Plugin |
Class | Description |
Channel_Settings | Manages channel settings related to global logins, syncing customer settings, and scheduling resyncs for updated global login configurations. |
Countries | Class Countries |
Customer | Handles customer-specific data and resources such as customer addresses, profiles, orders, and related functionalities. |
Customer_Group | Class Customer_Group |
Customer_Group_Proxy | Class Customer_Group_Proxy |
Login | Handles the login and lost password logic for the BigCommerce account integration with WordPress. |
Nav_Menu | Class Nav_Menu |
Password_Reset | Class Password_Reset |
Register | Class Register |
Sub_Nav | Class Sub_Nav |
User_Profile_Settings | Class User_Profile_Settings |
Class | Description |
Customer | Class Customer |
Interface | Description |
Role | Interface Role |
Class | Description |
Add_Item_View | Class Add_Item_View |
Missing_Wishlist | Class Missing_Wishlist |
Public_Wishlist | This class handles the public-facing wishlist view, including customizing the query to show only products in the wishlist, setting the page title, customizing the wp_title() function, and managing the “No Results” message on the wishlist page. |
Wishlist | Class Wishlist |
Wishlist_Public_View | Abstract class for handling wishlist public view actions, including filtering main queries, setting the page title, and modifying results when no items are found. |
Wishlist_Request_Parser | Class Wishlist_Request_Parser |
Class | Description |
Add_Item | Handles requests for adding items to a customer’s wishlist. |
Create_Wishlist | Handles the logic for creating a new wishlist for a customer. |
Delete_Wishlist | Handles the logic for deleting a wishlist. |
Edit_Wishlist | Handles the logic for editing a wishlist. |
Remove_Item | Handles the logic for removing an item from a customer’s wishlist. |
Request_Router | Class Request_Router |
Wishlist_Action | Abstract class for handling wishlist-related actions. |
Class | Description |
Amp_Admin_Notices | Creates an admin notice if requirements for AMP + BC or not met. |
Amp_Assets | Class Amp_Assets |
Amp_Cart | Class Amp_Cart |
Amp_Cart_Menu_Item | Class Amp_Cart_Menu_Item |
Amp_Controller_Factory | Class Amp_Controller_Factory |
Amp_Template_Override | Class Amp_Template_Override |
Classic | Class Classic |
Overrides | Class Overrides |
Class | Description |
Facebook_Pixel | Class Facebook_Pixel |
Google_Analytics | Class Google_Analytics |
Segment | Renders the Segment analytics tracking code on the site. |
Class | Description |
Add_To_Cart | Class Add_To_Cart |
View_Product | Class View_Product |
Class | Description |
Api_Config_Renewal | Class Api_Config_Renewal |
Api_Scopes_Validator | Validates the API scopes for several resources, ensuring that the correct permissions are in place during the onboarding process. This includes validating scopes for customers, orders, and payment methods. |
Banners_Api | Class Banners_Api |
Base_Client | Base API client class that extends the ApiClient and manages the configuration of the API client. This class is designed to handle the configuration for API communication and can be extended for specific API clients. |
Caching_Client | Implements a short-term caching mechanism around API requests to reduce redundant calls, particularly useful for operations like cart handling. The cache is invalidated after any write operation to ensure data consistency. |
Configuration | Extends the base Configuration class to provide additional functionality, such as filtering default headers for BigCommerce API requests. |
ConfigurationRequiredException | A specific exception type that extends ApiException to signalthat a required configuration is missing when making API requests. |
Currencies_Api | Handles retrieval of currencies from the BigCommerce v2 API. |
Customer_Api | Provides methods for interacting with BigCommerce customers via the v2 API. |
Marketing_Api | Provides methods for interacting with marketing-related resources in BigCommerce, including gift certificates. |
Null_Client | A placeholder API client that disables API calls. |
Payments_Api | Provides methods for interacting with the Payments API in BigCommerce. |
Request_Headers | Provides functionality for adding custom headers to API requests, including plugin-specific information like WordPress version, plugin version, and PHP version. |
Shipping_Api | Handles API v2 requests for shipping data, including zones and shipping methods. |
Store_Api | Handle retrieving information about the store from APIv2. |
Tax_Class_Api | Handle tax data requests. |
Webhooks_Api | Creates an adapter class for the BC v2 API webhook endpoint. |
v2ApiAdapter | Provides an adapter for interacting with the BigCommerce API. This class includes methods for retrieving collections and resources, as well as creating, updating, and deleting resources. |
Trait | Description |
Api_Data_Sanitizer | Trait Api_Data_Sanitizer |
Class | Description |
JS_Config | Handles the configuration for JavaScript assets in the BigCommerce admin. |
JS_Localization | Class JS_Localization |
Scripts | Handles the enqueueing and registration of admin scripts and Gutenberg-specific scripts. |
Styles | Handles the enqueueing and registration of admin and Gutenberg-specific CSS styles. |
Class | Description |
Image_Sizes | Class Image_Sizes |
JS_Config | Handles the configuration for JavaScript data, which includes store settings, product messages, channel data, and other theme-specific data required for the frontend. |
JS_Localization | Handles the localization of JavaScript strings for the theme. This class generates an array of text strings used in JavaScript, which can be filtered and sanitized before being passed to the frontend. |
Scripts | Manages the enqueuing of JavaScript files for the theme. It handles the inclusion of asset files, conditional script loading based on page type, and localization of JavaScript data. |
Styles | Manages the enqueuing of CSS stylesheets for the theme. This includes handling the inclusion of asset files and applying any filters to the stylesheet before it is enqueued. It also checks the theme settings to conditionally load the styles based on user preferences. |
Class | Description |
Banners | Handles the management and display of banners on various pages of the BigCommerce WordPress theme. It provides methods to configure JavaScript settings, fetch banners from the API, and filter banners based on the current page context, visibility, and date range. |
Class | Description |
Command | This is an abstract base class for creating custom WP-CLI commands in the BigCommerce CLI namespace. |
Import_Products | Handles the import process for products from BigCommerce. |
Reset_Plugin | Resets various options in WordPress to bring the site back to the beginning of the BigCommerce account onboarding flow. |
Update_Country_Cache | Updates the country and state cache in a JSON file located at assets/data/countries.json. |
Class | Description |
Build_Docs | Register build docs command and related functionality |
Data_Importer | Extends WP_Parser’s Importer class to modify the import behavior for class methods and hooks. |
Import_Docs | Class Import_Docs |
Class | Description |
Build_Resources | Class Build_Resources |
Resource | Class Resource |
Resource_Group | Represents a group of resources, which are categorized by a label. |
Class | Description |
Cache_Handler | Cache_Handler class |
Class | Description |
Add_To_Cart | Handles requests from the Add to Cart button for products |
Buy_Now | Handles requests from the Buy Now button for products. |
Cache_Control | Class Cache_Control |
Cart | Handles cart operations such as adding line items, managing cookies, and interacting with the BigCommerce API. |
Cart_Mapper | Maps a cart from the API to a standard format usable by the REST API and other templates. |
Cart_Menu_Item | The Cart_Menu_Item class is responsible for modifying WordPress navigation menu items to display cart-related information. It specifically adds a cart item count to the menu item representing the cart page and ensures the proper display of this count based on various conditions like checkout settings and the status of the mini-cart. |
Cart_Recovery | The Cart_Recovery class is responsible for handling the recovery of abandoned carts. |
Checkout | Handles requests during checkout from the Buy Now button for products. |
Item_Counter | Provides functionality to count the number of items in a BigCommerce cart. |
Mini_Cart | Manages the configuration and display logic for the mini-cart widget in BigCommerce. |
Class | Description |
Customer_Login | Handles customer login logic during the checkout process. |
Requirements_Notice | Shows a notice if the required configuration for checkout is not complete |
Class | Description |
Template_Compatibility | Provides compatibility functionality to override WooCommerce page templates. |
Interface | Description |
Spam_Checker | Defines the contract for a spam checker, which can be used to determine whether a given content is considered spam. |
Class | Description |
Akismet | This class implements the Spam_Checker interface and uses the Akismet API to determine if a submission is considered spam. |
Class | Description |
Matomo | This class integrates BigCommerce with Matomo (formerly Piwik), a web analytics platform. It provides functionality for modifying the JavaScript configuration for tracking user interactions with custom variables in Matomo. |
Class | Description |
Null_Theme | A placeholder class for themes that do not require any compatibility layer. |
Theme | Base class for themes, providing functionality for rendering templates and checking version compatibility. |
Theme_Factory | Factory class for creating theme instances based on template name and version. |
Class | Description |
Flatsome | This class defines the compatibility layer for the Flatsome theme in the BigCommerce ecosystem. |
Class | Description |
Account_Links | This class is responsible for generating the account links for the user’s account page in the Flatsome theme. |
Class | Description |
Cart | This class handles the interaction between the WooCommerce cart and BigCommerce’s cart API. |
Facade | This class acts as a facade for the WooCommerce cart, providing a simplified interface for interacting with the BigCommerce cart. |
Class | Description |
Accounts | Class Accounts |
Amp | This class integrates AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) functionality into the BigCommerce platform. |
Analytics | Handles the registration and configuration of analytics services and events for BigCommerce. |
Api | Manages the registration and configuration of the BigCommerce API client and related services. |
Assets | Provides asset management for the BigCommerce plugin, including scripts, styles, configuration, and localization for both the admin and frontend. |
Banners | This class is responsible for managing the banners service within the dependency injection container. |
Cart | Cart service provider for managing cart-related functionality. |
Checkout | Handles the registration of checkout-related services and actions. |
Cli | Provides CLI services for the BigCommerce plugin. |
Compatibility | Provides integration with various third-party services and themes, including WooCommerce, Matomo, and Akismet. |
Currency | Currency container provider class. |
Editor | Loads behavior relevant to the admin post editor, including rendering custom buttons, templates, and Gutenberg blocks within the WordPress admin interface. It also handles the integration of the Gutenberg editor with BigCommerce blocks and assets. |
Forms | Forms class handles various form actions within BigCommerce, such as registration, address updates, product reviews, and more. |
Gift_Certificates | This class provides functionality for registering and handling the gift certificates sub-navigation in the BigCommerce environment. It extends the Provider class and implements a registration method to add a sub-navigation to the content. |
GraphQL | This class provides functionality for registering GraphQL-related services, such as various query objects and a GraphQL requestor processor, in the BigCommerce container. The register method configures these services to be accessed globally through the container. |
Image | This class provides functionality for registering image-related services and hooks related to image import and CDN management within the BigCommerce container. It includes hooks that determine if image import is allowed and modify image HTML to load images from a CDN if applicable. |
Import | This class handles the import process for BigCommerce data. It includes functionality to manage cron jobs, process various import tasks, handle batch sizes, and trigger different import-related actions. |
Log | This class is responsible for setting up logging functionality in the BigCommerce container. |
Merchant | Handles merchant-related onboarding and account management for BigCommerce integration. |
Nav_Menu | Provides dependencies and behaviors for navigation menus. |
Pages | Provides page-related services and ensures required pages exist for BigCommerce integration. |
Post_Meta | This class provides methods to handle post metadata related tasks in the container. It extends the Provider class and registers dependencies related to post metadata processing within the container. |
Post_Types | Handles the management of custom post types, particularly for products in the WordPress admin interface. |
Proxy | This class registers the proxy container that adds a Wordpress proxy layer on top of the BigCommerce API. |
Rest | Provides RESTful controllers and endpoints for BigCommerce integration. |
Reviews | Provides functionality for managing reviews in the BigCommerce container. |
Rewrites | Handles rewrite rules and flushing mechanisms for the BigCommerce container. |
Schema | Manages the registration of database schema-related services and roles. |
Settings | Provides various screens and settings for BigCommerce. |
Shortcodes | Registers shortcodes for various storefront features. |
Taxonomies | This class is responsible for managing and registering taxonomies for BigCommerce integration. It defines constants for various taxonomies and handles their configuration and filtering via WordPress hooks. |
Templates | Handles template overrides and body class modifications within the BigCommerce integration. It registers various filters to modify the template paths and the body class dynamically based on the context, such as product pages, archives, taxonomies, and search results. |
Theme_Customizer | Registers theme customizer panels, sections, and styles in WordPress. |
Util | Class Util |
Webhooks | Provider for handling BigCommerce webhooks. |
Widgets | Registers and manages widgets for the application. |
Class | Description |
Configurable_Formatter | Class for configuring and formatting currency values. |
Currency | Handles currency operations, including fetching and setting currency codes and managing channel-aware currencies. |
Formatter_Factory | Factory class to create and manage currency formatters. |
Intl_Formatter | Formatter class for currency values using PHP’s intl extension. |
USD_Formatter | Formatter class for currency values specifically in USD. |
Trait | Description |
With_Currency | Provides currency formatting functionality for classes. |
Interface | Description |
Currency_Formatter | Interface for formatting numeric values into currency strings. |
Class | Description |
Styles | This class handles the customization of CSS styles for BigCommerce components. |
Class | Description |
Multiple_Checkboxes | Class Multiple_Checkboxes |
Class | Description |
Primary | Class Primary |
Class | Description |
Banners | Represents the Customizer section for managing banner settings in the BigCommerce store. |
Buttons | A customizer section that handles button label settings for various BigCommerce buttons in the WordPress Customizer. |
Cart | Handles the customization options for the Cart section in the WordPress Customizer. |
Checkout | Handles the customization options for the Checkout section in the WordPress Customizer. |
Colors | Handles the customization constants for colors and themes in the BigCommerce plugin. |
Product_Archive | Customizer settings and controls for the Product Archive section. |
Product_Category | Handles the customization of product category settings and controls. |
Product_Single | Handles settings and constants related to the single product page in the BigCommerce integration. |
Class | Description |
Add_Products_Button | A class to render the “Add Products” button in the editor. |
Editor_Dialog_Template | A class that handles rendering the editor dialog template with product filtering options. |
Class | Description |
Migrate_Blocks | Handles the migration of shortcodes to Gutenberg blocks in the editor. When a post is loaded in the Gutenberg editor, this class manages the transition from legacy shortcodes to dynamic blocks specific to the BigCommerce platform. |
Class | Description |
Account_Profile | A block to display the current user’s account profile. |
Address_List | A block to display the current user’s addresses. |
Cart | A block to display the current user’s cart. |
Checkout | A block to display the checkout form. |
Gift_Certificate_Balance | A block to display the gift certificate balance form. |
Gift_Certificate_Form | A block to display the gift certificate form. |
Gutenberg_Block | A base class for creating Gutenberg blocks in BigCommerce. |
Login_Form | A block to display the login form. |
Order_History | A block to display the current user’s order history. |
Product_Components | A block to display a given product’s components. |
Product_Reviews | A block to display a given product’s reviews. |
Products | A block to add one or more products into the post content. |
Registration_Form | A block to display the registration form. |
Shortcode_Block | A Gutenberg Block that acts as a wrapper for a shortcode. |
Wishlist | A block to display the wishlist. |
Class | Description |
Channel_Not_Found_Exception | Exception thrown when a channel cannot be found in the system. |
Component_Not_Found_Exception | Exception thrown when a component cannot be found in the system. |
No_Task_Found_Exception | Exception thrown when a task cannot be found in the system. |
Product_Not_Found_Exception | Exception thrown when a product cannot be found in the system. |
Class | Description |
Delete_Address_Handler | Handles the deletion of a customer’s address from their account. |
Error_Handler | Handles form error management, including storing and retrieving errors for redirection. |
Form_Redirect | Handles redirection after a form submission. |
Messages | Handles rendering of messages (success or error) above forms or within form submissions. |
Product_Review_Handler | |
Purchase_Gift_Certificate_Handler | Handles the submission and processing of gift certificate purchase forms. |
Registration_Handler | Handles user registration requests and form submissions for account creation. |
Success_Handler | Handles the success of form submissions by storing a success message, form submission data, and optionally redirecting the user to a specified URL or reloading the current page. |
Switch_Currency_Handler | Handles the logic for switching currencies in the BigCommerce cart and triggers success/error actions. |
Update_Address_Handler | Handles the updating and creation of customer addresses. |
Update_Profile_Handler | Handles the profile update form submission process. |
Interface | Description |
Form_Handler | Interface for handling form submissions. |
Function | Description |
product_post_reviews | Render reviews section for a product by post ID |
product_reviews | Render reviews section for a product by BigCommerce ID |
Class | Description |
Sub_Nav | This class is responsible for adding a sub-navigation menu to the gift certificate and balance check pages. |
Class | Description |
BaseGQL | Handles interactions with the BigCommerce GraphQL API, including token management, making authenticated requests, and handling store-related information. |
Customer_Query | Handles customer-related GraphQL queries and fragments. |
GraphQL_Processor | This class is responsible for handling GraphQL requests in the BigCommerce API context. |
Product_Query | Handle product query data and fragments. |
Reviews_Query | This class is responsible for constructing GraphQL queries related to product reviews. |
Terms_Query | This class is responsible for constructing GraphQL queries related to terms, including categories and brands. It provides methods to fetch term details such as name, ID, and default image. |
Class | Description |
Cache_Cleanup | Class Cache_Cleanup |
Image_Importer | Class Image_Importer |
Import_Type | |
Task_Definition | |
Task_Manager | Class Task_Manager |
Trait | Description |
No_Cache_Options | Trait No_Cache_Options |
Interface | Description |
Import_Strategy |
Class | Description |
Product_Builder | Responsible for constructing product-related data structures during the import process for BigCommerce products. |
Product_Creator | Handles the creation and saving of BigCommerce products into WordPress. |
Product_Ignorer | Strategy for skipping a product during the import process. |
Product_Importer | Handles the import of a product from BigCommerce to WordPress. |
Product_Remover | Handles the removal of products from WordPress by matching them with their corresponding BigCommerce product IDs and channel terms. |
Product_Saver | Handles storing a product in the database, including saving product details, taxonomy terms, images, and sending notifications after the product has been imported. |
Product_Strategy_Factory | Factory class for determining the appropriate import strategy for a product. |
Product_Updater | Handles updating of products during the import process. It extends the Product_Saver class and overrides the send_notifications method to send notifications when a product is updated. |
Class | Description |
Term_Creator | Class Term_Creator |
Term_Ignorer | Handles the logic for skipping the import of a term in the BigCommerce import process. This class implements the Import_Strategy interface and provides a method for processing a term that should be ignored. |
Term_Saver | Provides functionality for saving terms into WordPress, including term data, term metadata, and term images. This class implements the Import_Strategy interface, allowing it to be used within an import process. It contains methods for handling terms in BigCommerce and saving them in WordPress. |
Term_Strategy_Factory | A factory class that determines the appropriate strategy for handling term imports, such as creating, updating, or ignoring a term based on its existing data in WordPress. |
Term_Updater | This class is responsible for updating an existing term in WordPress with data from BigCommerce. |
Class | Description |
Brand_Mapper | This class is responsible for mapping the BigCommerce brand data to a WordPress term. |
Product_Category_Mapper | This class is responsible for mapping the BigCommerce product category data to a WordPress term. |
Term_Mapper | This abstract class provides the base functionality for mapping BigCommerce terms to WordPress terms. |
Class | Description |
Brand_Import | This class handles the import process for BigCommerce brands. It extends the base Term_Import class and provides the specific functionality for importing and updating brand terms in WordPress. |
Brand_Purge | This class handles the process of purging (deleting) BigCommerce brand terms from WordPress. |
Category_Import | Abstract class for processing term imports. |
Category_Purge | This class handles the process of purging product categories. It extends the Term_Purge class and uses the CategoriesTrees trait to manage category trees. |
Channel_Initializer | Initializes a channel by linking it to the full product catalog. |
Cleanup | Handles the cleanup process for BigCommerce imports, including purging product and user transients, cleaning up queued tasks, and flushing cache related to products and customer groups. |
Currencies | This class handles fetching, processing, and storing currency information from BigCommerce. |
Default_Customer_Group | Handles operations related to the default customer group for BigCommerce integrations. |
Deleted_Product_Marker | |
Error_Handler | |
Headless | |
Headless_Product_Processor | |
Image_Resizer | |
Listing_Fetcher | |
ProductCleanup | Purge BC products |
Product_Data_Fetcher | |
Queue_Runner | |
Start_Import | |
Store_Settings | |
Storefront_Processor | |
Term_Import | Abstract class for processing term imports. |
Term_Purge | Class Term_Purge |
Trait | Description |
CategoriesTrees | This trait provides methods for working with BigCommerce category trees. |
Interface | Description |
Import_Processor |
Class | Description |
AsyncProcessing_Runner | Handles asynchronous processing for BigCommerce import operations. |
CLI_Runner | CLI Runner for BigCommerce imports. |
Cron_Monitor | Class Cron_Monitor |
Cron_Runner | Handles the scheduling and execution of BigCommerce import processes via WordPress cron. |
Cron_Scheduler | Handles scheduling of import tasks using WordPress cron system. |
Lock | Manages a lock mechanism for the BigCommerce import process using WordPress options. |
Lock_Monitor | Class Lock_Monitor |
Status | Manages the import process status tracking and logging system for BigCommerce imports. |
Class | Description |
Error_Log | Class Log |
Class | Description |
Channel_Update_Task | |
Manager |
Interface | Description |
Task |
Class | Description |
Account_Status | |
Connect_Account | |
Create_Account | |
Onboarding_Api | |
Setup_Status | Class Setup_Status |
Class | Description |
Account_Contact | Class Account_Contact |
Connect_Account_Request | |
Create_Account_Request | |
Customer_Login_Request |
Class | Description |
Meta_Box | |
Post_Meta_Box |
Class | Description |
Dynamic_Menu_Items | |
Nav_Items_Customizer | Responsible for adding the BigCommerce nav items into the theme customizer |
Nav_Items_Meta_Box | Responsible for handling the BigCommerce menu items in the nav menu admin |
Class | Description |
Post_Type_Config |
Class | Description |
Admin_List | Handles extra columns for the BigCommerce Products post type |
Admin_UI | |
Channel_Indicator | Class Channel_Indicator |
Channel_Sync | Class Channel_Sync |
Config | |
Deletion | |
Product | |
Query | Handles custom BigCommerce product queries in WordPress. |
Query_Mapper | |
Reset_Listing | Class Reset_Listing |
Seo | Class Seo |
Single_Product_Sync | Class Single_Product_Sync |
Store_Links | |
Unique_Slug_Filter | Class Unique_Slug_Filter |
Unsupported_Products | |
WPGraph_Config | |
WPGraph_Product |
Class | Description |
Config | |
Queue_Task |
Class | Description |
Config | |
Sync_Log |
Class | Description |
AMP_Cart_Controller | AMP_Cart_Controller class |
Proxy_Cache | Proxy_Cache class |
Proxy_Controller | Proxy_Controller class |
Class | Description |
Cart_Controller | |
Coupon_Code_Controller | |
Orders_Shortcode_Controller | |
Pricing_Controller | |
Product_Component_Shortcode_Controller | |
Products_Controller | Class Products_Controller |
Rest_Controller | |
Reviews_Listing_Controller | |
Shipping_Controller | |
Shortcode_Controller | Class Products_Controller |
Storefront_Controller | |
Terms_Controller |
Class | Description |
Product_Update_Listener | Class Product_Update_Listener |
Review_Builder | |
Review_Cache | Class Review_Cache |
Review_Fetcher |
Class | Description |
Action_Endpoint | |
Flusher | Handles flushing and scheduling of WordPress rewrite rules for the BigCommerce plugin. |
Class | Description |
Queue_Table | Class Queue_Table |
Reviews_Table | Class Reviews_Table |
Schema | |
Table_Maker | Class Table_Maker |
User_Roles |
Class | Description |
Abort_Import | |
Connection_Status | |
Flush_Cache | |
Import_Now | |
Import_Status | Class Import_Status |
Onboarding_Progress | |
Onboarding_Videos | |
Site_URL_Sync | |
Start_Over | Class Start_Over |
Class | Description |
Abstract_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Api_Credentials_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Connect_Channel_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Create_Account_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Nav_Menu_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Onboarding_Complete_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Onboarding_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Pending_Account_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Resources_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Settings_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Store_Type_Screen | Class Store_Type_Screen |
Welcome_Screen | Abstract base class for managing plugin settings screens. |
Class | Description |
Account_Settings | |
Analytics | |
Api_Credentials | |
Cart | |
Channel_Select | |
Channels | Class Channels |
Currency | |
Gift_Certificates | |
Import | |
Nav_Menu_Options | |
New_Account_Section | |
Next_Steps | Class Next_Steps |
Onboarding_Import_Settings | |
Reviews | |
Settings_Section | |
Troubleshooting_Diagnostics | Class Troubleshooting_Diagnostics |
Units | Class Units |
Wishlists | Class Wishlists |
Trait | Description |
Images | |
ImportType | |
Webhooks | |
WithPages |
Class | Description |
Account_Profile | |
Address_List | |
Cart | |
Checkout | |
Gift_Certificate_Balance | |
Gift_Certificate_Form | |
Login_Form | |
Order_History | Provides a shortcode to display the order history for logged-in users. |
Product_Components | |
Product_Reviews | |
Products | |
Registration_Form | |
Wishlist |
Interface | Description |
Shortcode |
Class | Description |
Taxonomy_Config |
Class | Description |
Availability | |
Config |
Class | Description |
Brand | |
Config |
Class | Description |
Admin_Products_Filter | Class Admin_Products_Filter |
BC_Status | |
Channel | |
Channel_Connector | Class Channel_Connector |
Channel_Synchronizer | Class Channel_Synchronizer |
Config | |
Connections | |
Currency_Filter | |
Query_Filter | Class Query_Filter |
Routes | Class Routes |
Class | Description |
Condition | |
Config |
Class | Description |
Config | |
Flag |
Class | Description |
Config | |
Group_Filtered_Terms | |
Product_Category | |
Query_Filter |
Class | Description |
Config | |
Product_Type |
Trait | Description |
CDN_Images | |
Product_TemplateTrait |
Class | Description |
Cart_Item_Iterator | |
Kses |
Class | Description |
Checkout_Complete_Webhook | Class Checkout Complete Webhook |
Status | Class Status |
Webhook | Sets up a webhook in the BigCommerce API to send event-based requests to the WP site. |
Webhook_Cron_Tasks | Class Webhook_Cron_Tasks |
Webhook_Listener | Class Webhook_Listener |
Webhook_Versioning | Class Webhook_Versioning |
Trait | Description |
WebhookTrait |
Class | Description |
Customer_Channel_Updater | Abstract class for handling BigCommerce customer webhook operations. |
Customer_Channel_Webhook | Class Customer_Channel_Webhook |
Customer_Create_Webhook | Class Customer_Create_Webhook |
Customer_Creator | Abstract class for handling BigCommerce customer webhook operations. |
Customer_Delete_Webhook | Class Product_Delete_Webhook |
Customer_Deleter | Abstract class for handling BigCommerce customer webhook operations. |
Customer_Saver | Abstract class for handling BigCommerce customer webhook operations. |
Customer_Update_Webhook | Class Customer_Update_Webhook |
Customer_Updater | Abstract class for handling BigCommerce customer webhook operations. |
Class | Description |
Channel_Updater | |
Channels_Assign | |
Channels_Currency_Update | |
Channels_Management_Webhook | Class Channels_Management_Webhook |
Channels_Manager | |
Channels_UnAssign | |
Product_Create_Webhook | Class Product_Create_Webhook |
Product_Creator | Handles the creation of a new product from BigCommerce via webhooks. |
Product_Delete_Webhook | Class Product_Delete_Webhook |
Product_Inventory_Update_Webhook | Class Product_Inventory_Update_Webhook |
Product_Update_Webhook | Class Product_Update_Webhook |
Product_Updater | Class Product_Updater |
Class | Description |
Currency_Switcher_Widget | Class Currency_Switcher_Widget |
Mini_Cart_Widget | Class Product_Category_Widget |
Product_Category_Widget | Class Product_Category_Widget |
Automatically generated on 2025-01-21